Apple Montessori Blog

How to Make Science and Math Fun for Your Preschooler: The Benefits of STEAM Curriculum


Boosting your child’s learning and future career opportunities with STEAM.

Starting your child early to learn and apply science, math, engineering, and more in a fun, recreational way makes a powerful impact now and for years to come.

STEAM learning consists of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math taught in a practical, hands-on way that makes learning fun. The fundamentals, principles and theories of STEM, coupled with the Arts, provides a well-rounded, integrated learning experience that complements Apple Montessori Schools’ approach to child education and development. In fact, the Apple Montessori Schools’ curriculum has successfully incorporated STEAM for more than 35 years.

The STEAM curriculum engages your child to pursue their natural interests and abilities at an early age. Here’s how:

1. Applying and using all the senses

From birth to age six, children are adventurous, sensory explorers of their surroundings, capable of absorbing and applying immense amounts of information. With the freedom to participate in creative, constructive activities and experiments in a multi-age classroom, children naturally learn the concepts and skills to help build their future careers as scientists, tech experts, engineers, mathematicians, and artists.

2. Hands-on experimentation

Children learn about science, engineering, and math more readily when they are free to apply the concepts and theories in practical, relevant ways. For example, fun exercises about what sinks and what floats, how to build a play TV, or applying math in the “Bankers Game” makes understanding abstract concepts real and memorable.

3. Engaging in real-life experiences

Children learn by doing. That’s why we encourage working with simple objects and tools, from measuring cups, bowls and whisks to blocks, plants, and paints to teach practical life skills—how to make a real garden, cook, build structures, solve math problems, and create works of art. STEAM brings the educational experience to life in a joyful, meaningful way.

4. Applying creative problem-solving skills

Many of the activities involve your child working independently or as part of a team to identify and find solutions to problems, like how to build a sturdy tower with blocks. Children find multiple ways to solve a problem, which strengthens creative thinking, design and engineering prowess, collaboration and team building.

5. Sparking curiosity and imagination

The cross-disciplinary approach of the STEAM curriculum is at the heart of preparing your child to explore and discover their world, apply analytical and creative thinking to any subject or experiment, and eventually pursue careers of their choice including science, technology, engineering, art, math, and more.

According to research, STEM jobs in the U.S. are expected to grow by 16 percent by 2024. Studies also find that students who study art are four times more likely to be acknowledged for academic achievements. As our evolving global economy grows, the need for creative workers with problem-solving skills will be more important than ever.

John Maeda, who championed STEM to STEAM as president of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), wrote about the synergy of art and science: “Both are dedicated to asking the big questions placed before us: ‘What is true? Why does it matter? How can we move society forward?’ Both search deeply, and often wanderingly, for these answers.”

Apple Montessori’s STEAM curriculum is part of a holistic approach to education that engages children and removes the fear and intimidation of learning complex, abstract subjects. We strive to help students love to learn. For more information, please visit
